The Alps operator benchmark

In 2013, tefficient introduced the Nordic operator benchmark to telcos in Sweden, Finland and Norway. The feedback has been strong, leading to repetitions in 2014 and 2015. Denmark was added in 2015.

Unlike other benchmarks, it has a local view since the peer group only contains operators from the covered countries – which have been selected based on high comparability. Unlike other benchmarks, it is therefore 100% fact based since no numbers need to be “adjusted” in an attempt to mask that they weren’t comparable in the first place.

“What every operator really wants, is to be benchmarked to local competition”

Anonymous operator CFO

Global benchmarks – only carrying adjusted figures – might be of academic interest for the group HQ of multi-country operators but are pretty much useless as a tool for the local management team. They need to improve competitiveness. Competition is local.

Since a one-country benchmark wouldn’t meet the strict confidentiality requirements simply due to too few operators per country, tefficient’s methodology is to combine a few, highly comparable, countries in a small cluster.

The Alps benchmark potential participantsAfter three years of refinement, we believe our benchmarking methodology is ready to tackle the needs of operators in Austria and Switzerland using a separate “Alps” peer group, with unadjusted data solely from Austrian and Swiss operators.

We’re interested in your immediate feedback when it comes to timing and potential participants. You don’t need to give any commitment at this time. The status 11 February is that four out of nine operators have given feedback:

Alps benchmark stat 11 Feb 2015

Our current idea is that nine operators (see above) will be invited to participate. As in the Nordics benchmark, the identities of the actual participants will be confidential.

An operator can, depending on business scope, focus or budget, participate in one, two or three of the benchmarks: Mobile, fixed/cable and/or the integrated benchmark.

The first Alps benchmark could start once all potential operators have reported 2014 results – which should be in March. If so, results should be available latest August. Alternatively, the first Alps benchmark could be based on 2015 data and happen in 2016. As said, we’re interested in your view on timing.

Alps peer group and country flagThe benchmark would not be carried out unless at least three operators participate.

In case three or more operators in one country participate, a national average will be added to the distribution of the Alps peer group on a KPI-by-KPI basis, see picture right.

Your own position will only be shown to yourself.

three dots square4For more information – including scope, input data, timeplan and price – please drop us a line at

Benchmarking KPI categories tefficientMobile benchmark: 603 KPIs derived from a maximum of 376 input data points

Fixed/cable benchmark: 549 KPIs derived from a maximum of 471 input data points

Integrated benchmark: 555 KPIs derived from a maximum of 594 input data points (stand-alone) or just 99 additional input data points (if mobile and fixed benchmarks done)

All three benchmarks cover revenue, OPEX, CAPEX, headcount productivity, performance, traffic & load, quality and innovation & growth for 33 functions within Marketing & sales, Customer service & telesales, Networks, IT, Support functions and Product development.