Category Archives: CAPEX

Analysis of the development of mobile data monetisation in a specific country

Analysis, 2016

Analysis of the mobile market in a specific country: Development of market shares, subscription tiers, churn, offerings, pricing, data usage, revenue, ARPU, margin, network coverage and CAPEX for all operators.

Special focus on the development of mobile data monetisation and mobile TV/video over time.

Comparisons done to other countries.

Commissioned by a global solutions provider.

CAPEX pays off in customer experience: Checking Omnitele’s measurement results

The Finland-based consulting and engineering firm Omnitele has – independently – during first half of 2015 measured the mobile customer experience in three countries: Latvia, Denmark and Estonia. Continue reading CAPEX pays off in customer experience: Checking Omnitele’s measurement results

What is “perfect voice” anyhow?

Vodafone Group is running an ambitious investment and modernisation programme called Project Spring.

And it is much needed: During the financial crisis in Europe, Vodafone lost millions of customers who found that other brands did not only have lower prices, but often also better service. It took time for Vodafone to react, but Project Spring is now addressing the investment backlog of Vodafone. Continue reading What is “perfect voice” anyhow?

Invest – and conquer?

CAPEX efficiency matrixWhy CAPEX? Today, most executives would answer that CAPEX is necessary for two reasons: To grow (or sustain) revenue and to reduce OPEX.

In reality, not all CAPEX is productive. Investment decisions might prove wrong. The return on an investment can be lower than expected when competition does the same (or the opposite). Implementation delays might lead to that the window of opportunity is missed.

Since mobile telecom – compared to other mature industries – is a CAPEX intense business, CAPEX efficiency is important.

This analysis introduces a simple way to compare CAPEX efficiency – looking at the effects on both revenue and OPEX. It shows that some mobile operators have a track record of high CAPEX efficiency, whereas others have not.

Download analysis: tefficient public industry analysis 13 2013 CAPEX efficiency