Category Archives: Lithuania

Evaluating mobile service value for money across 12 EU countries

The Hellenic Telecommunications & Post Commission, EETT, functions as Greece’s national regulatory authority for telecommunications.

In response to EETT’s request, Tefficient has conducted an extensive benchmark analysis, focusing on value for money, spanning twelve EU and Euro countries: Austria, Belgium, Croatia, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Slovenia, and Spain.

A map showing the differences in the total mobile service revenue per GB across 12 EU countries as per Tefficient's evaluation for the Greek regulatory authority, EETT

While the primary focus of the benchmark is on Greece, its insights provide valuable perspectives for the telecommunications industry in the remaining eleven countries.

Key conclusions for Greece include:

  • Mobile Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) is approximately on par but with a notable increase
  • Mobile data usage is low but exhibits the most significant growth
  • Voice usage is the highest among the peer group but continues to see robust growth
  • The total mobile revenue per gigabyte of mobile data is high but demonstrates a marked decrease
  • Voice revenue per mobile voice minute aligns with the median and experiences median erosion
  • In terms of value for money, Greece ranks weaker in data offerings compared to most of its peers but stronger than most in voice services

Several selected example graphs are presented below.

Continue reading Evaluating mobile service value for money across 12 EU countries

Public Wi-Fi: Lost in transition to 5G?

Two years ago, telcos were still proudly reporting their progress in utilisation of their own public Wi-Fi hotspots for cost efficient offloading of mobile data. Public Wi-Fi was also positioned as an investment in a better customer experience – especially in public indoor environments. Telcos that were late with 4G – such as in Taiwan and Belgium – could utilise their public Wi-Fi to bridge the transition from 3G to 4G.

You can find this in our telco Wi-Fi analysis from September 2016.

But something changed. Continue reading Public Wi-Fi: Lost in transition to 5G?

In fiber, leadership is created with a shovel

Certain European incumbents are betting on that copper access will be sufficient for the future communication needs of households and smaller businesses.

But where most incumbents regard copper-based DSL technologies as a fallback for areas where fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) or fiber-to-the-building (FTTB) deployment isn’t financially feasible (or not yet rolled out), a few seem to be determined that copper is it. Continue reading In fiber, leadership is created with a shovel

Price erosion and low customer loyalty put mobile operators in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia under pressure

LTLVEEPress release

For two years in a row, leading operators in Sweden, Finland and Norway have been benchmarked against a local operator peer group through a practice led by tefficient. The results reinforce the rationale behind local benchmarking: In order to improve, operators need focused, fact-based and local input.

It’s time to give a similar tool to mobile operators in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.

“We strongly feel something needs to be done”, says Allan Greve at tefficient. “Very little analysis focuses on the specifics of these three markets and we intend to change this.”