Roam Like Home – the beta

Review of the present Roam Like Home offers in France, the UK, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland

Roam like home EU

15 June 2017 will be a milestone in the history of European telecoms: From this day, not only goods, workers, services and capital can move freely across EU borders: Also mobile phone calls, messages and data can start to move freely across the borders when the mobile roaming fees – after ten years of regulation – finally are abolished within the European Union. Continue reading Roam Like Home – the beta

Analysis of the development of mobile data monetisation in a specific country

Analysis, 2016

Analysis of the mobile market in a specific country: Development of market shares, subscription tiers, churn, offerings, pricing, data usage, revenue, ARPU, margin, network coverage and CAPEX for all operators.

Special focus on the development of mobile data monetisation and mobile TV/video over time.

Comparisons done to other countries.

Commissioned by a global solutions provider.

USA, Latvia and Finland combine high mobile data usage with fast growth

Which country had the highest mobile data usage in 2015? The fastest usage growth?

Which operator leads the world?

Which country has the lowest and highest revenue per Megabyte?

Revenue vs MBoU tefficient simplified 2015

How does it affect usage? How are data-only and 4G LTE adoption rates affecting usage? Continue reading USA, Latvia and Finland combine high mobile data usage with fast growth

Nordic operator benchmark 2016

Benchmarks, 2016Nordic flags

For the fourth consecutive year: Comprehensive business benchmark including more than 600 KPIs covering revenue, OPEX, CAPEX, headcount productivity, subscriptions & channels, performance, load, quality and innovation & growth – for 41 functions of mobile, fixed/cable and integrated operators – respectively. Continue reading Nordic operator benchmark 2016

Instant messaging and ad blocking – the new normal?

There has been a lot of talk – and increasing irritation – about pigeonholing, especially the younger (18 to 24 year olds), consumers to a tightly defined segment. Generalisations can be dangerous, especially for those companies that still primarily make the effort of engaging with their customers when they are buying something and spend most of their marketing dollars in digital and other forms of advertising.


But loyalty comes from understanding what makes your customers tick – and this knowledge can only be derived from active conversations with the community, regardless if they are Millennials or those labelled Generation X. Nevertheless, it is useful to understand broadly how the different consumer segments are behaving and what motivates them. But we’ll come back to this in a bit. Continue reading Instant messaging and ad blocking – the new normal?

USA and Finland surprise: High and quickly growing mobile data usage

This is a preliminary analysis – to the final version.

Which country had the highest mobile data usage in 2015? The fastest usage growth?

The lowest and highest revenue per Megabyte?

Usage vs rev per MB prel FY 2015 2

How does it affect usage? How are data-only and 4G LTE adoption rates affecting usage?

Find the answers to these mobile data usage and monetisation questions in tefficient’s 13th public analysis on the topic. Continue reading USA and Finland surprise: High and quickly growing mobile data usage

Wi-Fi Calling – read all about it…

Wi-Fi Calling is relatively new – and then, not really. In 2014, Apple’s launch of iOS 8 with embedded Wi-Fi Calling marked a milestone for voice calling with mobile devices, despite several years of Voice over Wi-Fi services in various guises preceding iOS 8.

Aptilo Networks – a leading provider of carrier-class systems to manage data services with advanced functions for authentication, policy control and charging – has released a White Paper titled “Seamless Next Generation Wi-Fi Calling”, which is written by Allan Greve of tefficient.

L_C898.tmp Continue reading Wi-Fi Calling – read all about it…

Nordic operators’ networks have no equal in speed. On 3G.

4G coverage is great as well – but 4G speeds are slowing

Having ran the Nordic operator benchmark four years in a row now we know that Nordic operators have world-leading network quality.

OpenSignalOpenSignal just issued its first State of Mobile Networks report covering the four Nordic countries Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Norway. Based on 34 million crowdsourced tests taken in Q1 2016, OpenSignal shows which country (and which operator in it) that has the best:

  • 4G coverage
  • 4G download speed
  • 3G download speed
  • Combined download speed
  • 4G latency
  • 3G latency

And it is a race of high standards and tight results. Continue reading Nordic operators’ networks have no equal in speed. On 3G.

German operators: We listened to your customers. Maybe you should too?

This innocent tweet – based on official statistics from the German and Finnish telecom regulators – has currently been read by more than 90 000 people:

Continue reading German operators: We listened to your customers. Maybe you should too?

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