Category Archives: data monetisation

Mobile data usage: Price and bucket size matter

Mobile data usage continues to grow: +58% for the markets in this analysis.


In some high usage markets like the US and Singapore, we however see signs of saturation with annual usage growth of just about 20%.

But it’s not a general trend: In other high usage markets – Finland, Estonia, Denmark, Japan and Ireland – the mobile data usage grew 60 to 80%. Continue reading Mobile data usage: Price and bucket size matter

T-Mobile’s churn lowest ever – following introduction of Data Stash

Since T-Mobile’s plans for Data Stash were made public in December last year, we have looked forward to T-Mobile’s reporting of Q1 results – since we hoped to see the first indications of  if rollover data actually helps customer retention. Continue reading T-Mobile’s churn lowest ever – following introduction of Data Stash

BT Mobile: Surprisingly disruptive

After 14 years, BT is back into consumer mobile. The long-rumoured launch of BT Mobile happened today. Continue reading BT Mobile: Surprisingly disruptive

If you sell Mbytes, why slow your customers down?

We’ve been awaiting Telenor’s official comments to OpenSignal’s new crowdsourced 4G coverage and speed test, but since Telenor hasn’t yet commented it we try to interpret the Norwegian results ourselves.

OpenSignal NO Q1 2015

Continue reading If you sell Mbytes, why slow your customers down?

Tele2: From industry’s black sheep to customer’s best friend?

Frank undercover2Late November last year, Tele2 launched a major transformation campaign in Sweden under the Tele2.0 banner.

The message? Tele2 had questioned all industry practices and concluded that many of them were outright stupid. And consequently stopped or changed them. Continue reading Tele2: From industry’s black sheep to customer’s best friend?

Contributing to Comptel’s book “Operation Nexterday”

Analysis & Go-to-market 2015

comptel_logo_bwIn cooperation with key Comptel experts, writing and editing key parts of Comptel’s book “Operation Nexterday” which was launched at Mobile World Congress 2015.

Comptel MWC15

Four years (and a net neutrality law) later, Dutch operators foul again

Dutch operators KPN and Vodafone were both fined for violations of net neutrality today.

KPN got a fine of 250000 EUR for having blocked access to voice over IP services on public Wi-Fi hotspots. Vodafone was fined 200000 EUR for having zero-rated content from HBO. Continue reading Four years (and a net neutrality law) later, Dutch operators foul again

Rollover: The next big thing for customer retention

RolloverBucket plans – with volume caps on the number of minutes, messages and Mbytes – have been offered by mobile operators for years. Even though the composition has varied over time (e.g. through elements made unlimited), the concept is well known to customers.

Monthly caps have become the standard of our industry. Another standard is to reset those caps at the start of a new month. This means that any balance left – minutes, messages, Mbytes – is voided. Or confiscated – to use the word of John Legere, CEO of T-Mobile USA. Continue reading Rollover: The next big thing for customer retention

Shared plans: Providing fact-based recommendations

Analysis & Consulting, 2014

How have mobile operators introduced single- and multi-user shared plans in USA, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Canada and the UK? Which business results have operators achieved and how has competition reacted? Which modifications have been necessary and when? Can the same customer loyalty effects be achieved without the heavy implementation of multi-user shared plans? Which defensive actions have proven to be most successful?

Based on these international facts and best practice, what would tefficient recommend? Taking local conditions, operator strategy and market position into account.

Commissioned twice by two different operators.