Category Archives: FTTx

Evaluating fixed broadband and telephony value for money across 12 EU countries

Reference: Analysis, 2024

The Hellenic Telecommunications & Post Commission, EETT, functions as Greece’s national regulatory authority for telecommunications.

In response to EETT’s request, Tefficient has conducted an extensive benchmark analysis, focusing on value for money for fixed broadband and telephony services, spanning twelve EU countries: Croatia, Denmark, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, and Spain.

While the primary focus of the benchmark is on Greece, its insights provide valuable perspectives for the telecommunications industry in the remaining eleven countries.

Key conclusions for Greece include:

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Assessment of Norwegian mobile revenues and fixed broadband pricing in a Nordic context – 2024

Reference: Analysis, 2024

Norway’s Ministry of Digitalisation and Public Governance today published two analyses commissioned from Tefficient.

The conclusion is summarised (in Norwegian) in a press release from the Ministry.

Both analyses are very comprehensive and compare Norway to the three fellow Nordic countries Denmark, Sweden, and Finland. It means that they are highly interesting not just for the industry and policy makers in Norway, but in all four countries.

An example graph from the fixed analysis shows how the average monthly subscription fee compares between different plans with different maximum download throughput:

The average monthly subscription fee during the first 5 years of a fixed broadband contract, measured in purchasing power parity adjusted Norwegian kroner. Each dot represents an actual consumer offer. In total 6500 offers across 385 addresses were documented.
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Benchmarking fibre pricing in Denmark with eight other European countries, 2024

Reference: Analysis, 2024

Fiberalliancen is a trade association representing companies that own, operate, and use fibre networks in Denmark. It is part of Green Power Denmark.

For the fourth time, following previous reports in 2021, 2022, and 2023, Tefficient has conducted an extensive fibre broadband pricing benchmark across nine European markets: Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, the UK, and France.

Fiberalliancen's press release introducing Tefficient's fibre pricing benchmark of 2024

“Germany and the Netherlands have also experienced falling fiber prices, but Denmark has seen the biggest overall price drop over the four years.”

In a press release, Fiberalliancen introduces Tefficient’s latest analysis and makes it publicly available for download at the bottom of the page under ‘Læs hele analysen fra Tefficient‘. If you do not read Danish, don’t worry; the report is in English.

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Benchmarking fibre pricing in Denmark with eight other European countries, 2023

Reference: Analysis, 2023

Fiberalliancen is a trade association for companies that own, operate and use fibre networks in Denmark. It is a part of Green Power Denmark.

For the third time (previously done in 2021 and in 2022), Tefficient has performed a comprehensive fibre broadband pricing benchmark covering nine European markets: Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, the UK and France.

In a press release, Fiberalliancen introduces Tefficient’s analysis and makes it publicly available. Download it from the right ‘Dokumenter’ column. It’s in English.

The release concludes that:

  • Denmark has some of the lowest consumer prices for both new and existing fibre connections.
  • Danish consumer prices – both for new and existing connections – have overall fallen from 2022 to 2023. This is only seen in Denmark and the Netherlands.

Tefficient’s approach has been thorough and the results are presented in a set of graphs like below.

Example graph from the analysis showing the total 2-year fee for the new build fibre case. The red trend line highlights Denmark’s position.

Commissioned by Fiberalliancen.

Assessment of Norwegian mobile and fixed broadband pricing in a Nordic context – 2023

Reference: Analysis, 2023

Norway’s Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development last week published two analyses commissioned from Tefficient.

The conclusion is summarised (in Norwegian) in a press release from the Ministry.

Both analyses are quite comprehensive and compare Norway to the three fellow Nordic countries Denmark, Sweden and Finland. It means that they are highly interesting not just for the industry and policy makers in Norway, but in all four countries.

An example graph from the fixed analysis:

Since the Ministry has made both analyses available for public download, you can access them directly and for free from here:

Continue reading Assessment of Norwegian mobile and fixed broadband pricing in a Nordic context – 2023

Benchmarking fibre pricing in Denmark with eight other European countries

Reference: Analysis, 2022

Fiberalliancen is a trade association for companies that own, operate and use fibre networks in Denmark. It is a part of Green Power Denmark.

For the second time (the first analysis was done in 2021), Tefficient has performed a comprehensive fibre broadband pricing benchmark covering nine European markets: Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland (new since 2021), Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, the UK and France.

As part of a press release, Fiberalliancen makes Tefficient’s analysis publicly available. Download it from the right ‘Links’ column. It’s in English.

The release concludes that:

  • Denmark has some of the lowest consumer prices for both new and existing fibre connections. Only French consumers generally get a better deal than Danish consumers.
  • Danish consumer prices – both for new and existing connections – have overall fallen from 2021 to 2022. This is only seen in Denmark and the UK.
  • According to Ookla, Denmark has the fastest median broadband download speeds among the countries included in the comparison.

Tefficient’s approach has been thorough and the results are presented in a set of graphs like below.

Example graph from the analysis showing the total 2-year fee for the new build fibre case. The red trend line highlights Denmark’s position.
Continue reading Benchmarking fibre pricing in Denmark with eight other European countries

Assessment of Norwegian mobile and fixed broadband pricing in a Nordic context – 2022

Reference: Analysis, 2022

Norway’s Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development yesterday published two analyses commissioned from Tefficient.

The conclusion is summarised (in Norwegian) in a press release from the Ministry:

Both analyses are quite comprehensive and compare Norway to the three fellow Nordic countries Denmark, Sweden and Finland. It means that they are highly interesting not just for the industry and policy makers in Norway, but in all four countries.

Sample graph from the mobile report
Sample graph from the fixed broadband report

Since the Ministry has made both analyses available for public download, you can access them directly and for free from here:

Assessment of Norwegian mobile revenues in a Nordic context – 2022

Assessment of Norwegian fixed broadband pricing in a Nordic context – 2022

The analyses are one-year-later updates of the original analyses that provided input to the government’s white paper to the Norwegian Parliament titled “Vår felles digitale grunnmur — Mobil-, bredbånds- og internettjenester“. See Tefficient’s reference from last year:

Commissioned by Norway’s Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development.

Benchmarking fibre broadband pricing in Denmark with Sweden, Norway, Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium, the UK and France

Reference: Analysis, 2021

Dansk Energi (Danish Energy) is a business and interest organisation for energy companies in Denmark. These companies spearheaded the rollout of fibre networks in Denmark.

In a press release, Dansk Energi concludes that Denmark has among the lowest prices on fibre broadband in Europe. That conclusion is based on a comprehensive price benchmark performed by Tefficient – a benchmark which Dansk Energi has made public. Open the press release and download the benchmark in the “Dokumenter” area highlighted below.

Continue reading Benchmarking fibre broadband pricing in Denmark with Sweden, Norway, Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium, the UK and France

Assessment of Norwegian mobile and fixed broadband pricing in a Nordic context

Reference: Analysis, 2021

Norway’s Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation has today published an extensive white paper to the Norwegian Parliament titled “Vår felles digitale grunnmur — Mobil-, bredbånds- og internettjenester“.

Tefficient has written two comprehensive analyses to support chapter 7 in the white paper addressing mobile and fixed broadband networks:

  • “Assessment of Norwegian mobile revenues in a Nordic context”
  • “Assessment of Norwegian fixed broadband pricing in a Nordic context”

The first analysis investigates whether Norwegian mobile prices should be considered high or moderate given certain specific Norwegian conditions. A multitude of metrics are used – always compared between the same four markets: Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Finland.

The second analysis investigates Norwegian broadband prices, comparing them against three other Nordic markets: Denmark, Sweden and Finland.

The white paper (in Norwegian) summarises the two analyses in sections and using selected graphs and conclusions. The ministry has integrated the key findings with own and independent research, data and viewpoints to form a basis for future policy.

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Is mobile eating fixed’s lunch?

In our latest mobile data usage and revenue analysis, there are 43 countries. Of these, 27 are European. And among these, about half (13) of the regulators are not just reporting the mobile data traffic but also the fixed broadband traffic.

It allows us to compare the two and answer the question “is mobile eating fixed’s lunch?”

Split between mobile and fixed data traffic – Austria (#1 in mobile share) and the UK (#13)
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